Linh Vu

Father | Husband | Marketer | Realtor®

Core value | Ethical Guidelines
1. Customers are #1
2. Help others to succeed
3. Build & maintain functional relationship with everyone
4. Trust
5. Openness, honesty & transparency
6. Respect
7. Common sense

by Protocase Inc

My core value is rooted and influenced by Protocase's core value, the leading custom manufacturer for aerospace, defense and security industry based in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia where I used to work for.

Marketing Management MSc | Middlesex University | London, UK

Marketing BA Honours | Middlesex University | London, UK

Post-Baccalaureate Diploma in Business Management | Cape Breton University | Sydney, CAN

+1 548-994-1681
Linh Vu | Realtor®
Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger Realty Brokerage

I hope that you support what I do with my passion simply because I believe in it as much as I love creating it, and I can't wait to share it with you.

Linh Vu


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